Donations and Support
We really cannot thank Uniper UK enough for the tractor and implements they kindly dontated to our care farm. Everything donated to us has made such a difference to us here on the farm. Having the tractor with a loader has saved us so much manual labour especially this year during hay making as we were able to use an 8 bale grab and all of the other items, the sprayer, flail mower, fertiliser spreader, snow plough, and generator have given us such a big helping hand towards achieving everything we have set out to do here on the farm. The children who visit from SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) schools were as shocked and happy as we were when we showed them eveything donated as the farm means so much to each and every one of them. Obviously they all want to drive the tractor which has been given the name 'Mavis'. The picnic tables are also so very much appreciated. The children enjoyed putting them together with the help of Farmer Nigel and we are all enjoying them especially in the wonderful sunshine.
Once again, thank you Uniper UK so much for your kind donations. You have an open invitation to come along to the farm any time.
Nigel and Lorraine